

新聞 產品

Common problem

● Toilets how to adjust the water level in the tank?

Connecting rod with a float float adjustment clip, pinch adjustment clamp moves up and down, you can adjust the water level. The adjustment is generally placed in a standard factory-level folders online, the best flushing effect, without further adjustment.

● My toilet has been in the water, how to solve?

To resolve this problem, consider the possibilities:
1, there is no water overflow pipe member? If so, please adjust the valves.
2, the chain is too tight or too loose? OK slack chain only 1-2 chain ring.
3, valve area around the home or whether recently had been turned off for some reason? This will lead to impurities into the water to reach the inlet valve gasket thus affecting its sealing performance. & nbsp; & nbsp; please clean up the surface of the inlet valve. If not resolved, please call unified national customer service hotline +86-400-966-0598 for more information.

● My valve leak, how to change a valve?

You can place an order directly to retail stores looking sleet, or call national unified customer service hotline +86-400-966-0598 for more information.


● My faucet leaks occur, and how?

To resolve this problem, consider the possibilities:
1, leading the spool is damaged or if there has been sealed pads worn? Hard to change the spool or seal pads.
2, if there are impurities in tap spool thus affecting its sealing performance? Remove the valve body for cleaning.
3, if not resolved, please call unified national customer service hotline +86-400-966-0598 for more information.

● My faucet dripping in the closed state also, how to solve?

To resolve this problem, consider the possibilities:
1, the leading outlet filter if clogged with impurities which can affect their water? Remove the filter for cleaning.
2, if there is broken faucet spool or seal pads have worn? Hard to change the spool or seal pads.
3, leading the spool if there are impurities thus affecting its sealing performance? Remove the valve body for cleaning.
4, if not resolved, please call unified national customer service hotline +86-400-966-0598 for more information.

● How to choose your own pit toilet from the bathroom?

Bottom drainage from the pit toilet outfall from the center refers to the fur walls; toilet drain from the pit wall refers to the center of the outfall ground distance. J basic pit toilet drain away snow and rain at the end there are two 300 mm and 400 mm. Suppose the user's home from the pit is 300 mm or 400 mm, then the tank will be properly installed 2-3 cm away from the wall.

● How to choose their own highly rigid tube bathroom shower?

Hard tube shower mounting height is measured from the inlet to the shower top spray pipe installation height; select Hard tube shower should consider the intake to the level of the top of the bathroom Meets mounting height. Hard snow and rain showers points can lift tube, two types of products can not lift, lift height shower from 728-1400 mm; the height of the shower can not lift from 1070-1255 mm; then the user in the purchase process choose according to their needs suitable hard tube shower.

● What is the detailed description of sleet kitchen sink of stainless steel and its quality?

Sink is crafted from 304 types of stainless steel, containing chromium and 8% nickel 18%. These stainless steel sink makes corrosion resistant to stains and superior performance.

● How to clean white scale?

Place: faucet outlet, sink, toilet and water dripping medial part of the site.
Cause: After evaporation of water calcareous and manganese residue.
Measures: Use neutral detergent to remove scale, and then sequentially with a damp cloth, wipe clean, dry cloth. As for the play of scale, you can use a sponge dipped decontamination decontamination cream, and then sequentially with a damp cloth, wipe clean, dry cloth.

How to clean white particles?

Place: washbasin, washbasin, bathtub edge
Reason: soap, body fat and water after the metal to form the metal soap.
Measures: first with a mild detergent to remove scale, and then sequentially with a damp cloth, wipe clean, dry cloth, such as playing scales, you can use a sponge dipped decontamination cream polish, and then sequentially with a damp cloth, wipe clean, dry cloth .

● Pink dirt How to clean?

Place: toilet, sink drain, the inside toilet bathroom floor and wall.
Reason: soap and dirt are breeding bacteria in the water source of nutrition.
Measures: Use neutral detergent to remove scale, and then sequentially with a damp cloth, wipe clean, dry cloth. The soap scum and other nutrient sources completely removed.

● How to clean spots?

Place: toilet lid, toilet seat
Reason: clothing fibers or health confetti and ash layers are combined electrostatic adsorption spots formation.
Action: After fully carry dry wet soft cloth wet wipe. Often use the toilet, with a mild detergent to clean spots. Note: Dry rub prone to static electricity, when the urine splashing dirt on such scale formation play.

●Black, purple, pink how to clean up mold?

Place: bathroom, floor and wall, silicone kitchen carding station seams on the toilet rim and other parts.
Reason: In place of high humidity, soap, grease dirt or dirt as a nutrient source for breeding.
Action: use a neutral cleaner to remove such as playing scales, use mold scavenger effect is a plus (for use, see Product Precautions), when part of the silicone material to clean the cloth around to the front chopsticks, James family with a weak acid lotion smear, and then sequentially with a damp cloth, wipe clean, dry cloth.

●How to clean rust?

Place: bath, washbasin and kitchen flow management units and the like.
Reason: wet hair clips, razors, spray cans and other items placed in the formation of rust on the table.
Action: use a sponge brush or toothbrush, dip decontamination wash cream carefully to avoid the wear surface, and then sequentially with a damp cloth, wipe clean, dry cloth.

● Surface tarnished dark spot how to clean?

Place: control panel, door, and direct skin contact with the toilet seat and other parts.
Reason: direct skin contact with the sebum dirt easily attached to the site, the surface becomes slippery and not shiny. Ash layer attached thereto is formed spots.
Measures: Use wet and dry, soft cloth to fully carry wet wipe.


● Mucus how to clean?

Place: drain, drain pipe, trash and other.
Cause: Bacteria and fungi and other organisms gather to breed mildew.
Measures: Use neutral detergent to clean, easy to clean the site can use a toothbrush and other scrub. The dirt is completely cleaned mold to cut off the source of biological nutrition.